Our Services
Mental Health Therapeutic Support Services
Therapy Room
The Therapy Room, where we offer a safe and empathetic space dedicated to your mental well-being. Our mission is to help you navigate through life's ups and downs with tailored therapeutic interventions and guidance. At The Therapy Room, you can explore your thoughts and emotions, develop personalised coping strategies, and embark on a transformative journey toward better mental health. We are committed to understanding and meeting your unique needs, providing the support you need to thrive.
FDR | Child-Inclusive mediation | Family Assessments
Child Advocacy Hub
At the Child Advocacy Hub, services are designed with a steadfast commitment to prioritising the best interests of the child. Every aspect of our work takes into consideration the individual needs and views of children, ensuring that their rights and welfare are at the forefront of all decisions and interventions. This approach ensures that the services provided by the Hub not only support the child's well-being but also respect their voice as a fundamental aspect of their care and representation.
Psycho-Social Assessments | Programmes
Forensic Psyco-Legal Services
Forensic Psycho-Legal Services provided by Dr Tanya Robinson. Specialising in Mental Health Assessments, Consultations, and Behaviorual Change Programmes tailored to court-related work. Whether you require psychological evaluation, expert testimony, or bespoke intervention programmes, Dr. Robinson combines her extensive expertise with a deep understanding of Mental Health to assist clients effectively. The services are designed to provide clear, comprehensive insights and solutions that uphold the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality.